With Chaos is my regularity the story begins. Songs are to be performed. Music is going to get around and the narrative is simple. You are hereby invited to be part when we make this fly. Welcome to listen to the music and feel free to make some sense of it. And to some of you, please do read the lyrics, they may well be talking to you. I do hope so. Your feelings, your experiences, you mind and heart, all of your choice.
With these seven songs we plan to travel around and there isn't a stage to small or to big. Where there is an audience we will make a session worth while. We will come and fill the air with songs of great importance, for some of us to start with.
Hopefully we, now, are to take off with something rare to give away, something sincerely ment, expressive, emotional and well composed.
Please, make contact and be a part of what can be the beginning of a journey of love for music, something that really matters.
Copyright @ All Rights Reserved by Annikairene music AB Sweden 2024